The specification for this project, a beautiful home in Cambridgeshire was straightforward. The client, a classical music-lover, simply wanted a top quality 4K TV which was easy to use, had a great picture and brilliant sound, solid wi-fi coverage throughout their home, discreet wireless speakers in eight rooms and lastly but by no means least, a reference quality hi-fi with which to enjoy opera, jazz and classical music. No cabling was to be visible anywhere in the home and the system had to be simple to use and reliable.
The home was being compltely refurbished from floor level to roof line. We worked closely with the architect and principal contractor to deliver discreet, tasteful and beautiful cabinety to house the hi-fi at low level behind solid wooden doorts and the ultra thin LG OLED 4K TV perfectly placed above at eye level, the correct location for any display. TV Sound is provided by the SONOS ARC, matching beautifully in white, with SKY Q providing the TV content and catch up services.
High quality sound was critical for this client. We installed the fabulous Lyngdorf TDAI-3400, featuring Lyngdorf RoomPerfect, alongside the Lyngdorf Audio CD-2 CD player. LBowers & Wilkins 800 series "804D3" loudspeakers in real wood rosenut finish deliver the sound into the room and matched the decor beautifully, looking discreet and elegant but yet purposeful.
Sonos wireless speakers were used in the remaining seven rooms, all app controlled from the client's phone and iPad. Simplicity itself. Music is streamed from services Quboz and Tidal into every room at the touch of a button.
Wi-Fi infrastructure is delivered by the Ubiquiti Uni-Fi range using ceiling mounted discreet access points giving stable, full speed internet in every room. Using this system, in the unlikely event of a breakdown or fault we are able to remotely look at the issue and correct it without bothering the client by requesting a home visit.
Upon handover, the client was simply amazed. The system looked discreet, sounded dynamic and is both flexible and easy to operate. The 4K LG OLED TV delivers crystal clear, razor sharp picture from Netfilx, Amazon Prime, BBC iPlayer and of course all the regular broadcast channels.
Interested in a whole home integrated AV system? Give us a call on 07584 552243. We love to talk AV!